October Is National Pet Wellness Month – DoggieUK9

Celebrate National Pet Wellness Month in October. 

This month offers us a reminder and opportunity to review our dog’s health, wellness, happiness and overall safety. It is also a great time to think about our canine “family member(s)” in the context of the world that we have provided for them… from socialization and education to exercise and nutrition.

Balance is the Key

Is the diet that we provide balanced and nutritious for their age? The same goes for exercise, grooming, mental stimulation, and socialization.

Other Questions to Ask Ourselves

Is there anything we would change, do differently? More walks, a different diet, adding or changing supplements that support their age or activity level?

Is our routine, too routine? Maybe it is time to re-think things, change things up a bit. Sign up for a new dog class. Make an appointment with the Vet for a routine wellness visit.

Or… maybe it is just time for a new leash!


Here are some tips from our DoggieU Resource / Article Library

Here are 10 tips for Dog Wellness

Tips to Keep Your Dog Happy & Healthy