Week’s Review of Canine Social Media – 7/23/22 – DoggieUK9

Welcome to the Week’s Review of Canine Social Media

Welcome to this Special Feature on the DoggieU K9 Blog for an update on this week’s dog-related media and social media from around the world. There are so many stories. Here we will share some of the best stories this week.

Enjoy & share them.

Search engine giant Google on recently asked Twitter users a funny question. It wanted to know what would pet dogs use the search engine for.

The post has since gone viral, with users replying with equally funny answers.

What would dogs say on Social Media?

“If your dog could use Google, what would they search for?” Google asked users on its official Twitter handle.

  • Its 25.9 million followers said dogs would love to get extra treats or food. Others came up with creative ideas, like booking an Uber for a play date.
  • See some responses below:
    • “Pet snacks,” tweeted a user.
    • Another said: “Not being paid for the therapy services I provide. What do I do?”
    • “How to book Uber for play date with my best friend, Boomer,” another user tweeted in response.
    • Some users said dogs would like to search for Dogecoin and extra bones.

Shortly after the tweet was posted on it received close to 2,000 likes, 150 re-tweets and still counting.

Social media users love to answer questions about their pet animals. Dogs and cats are among the most popular pets. Many users and Twitter handles keep posting videos of the two animals, which are liked by thousands on social media.

How would your dog(s) answer?

Lifelong Dedication For Animals Blossoms Into Becoming The Youngest Franchisee In An Upcoming Brand’s History

Courtney E from Atlanta GA grew up with a love for animals and a dedication to improve their lives. In junior high school, she began writing her state congress and even visited the state capitol to make a presentation for better management of stray dogs and support for rescue organizations. 

Being independent and free spirited she never envisioned herself as part of corporate America but now at age 27 she has found the perfect opportunity to turn her passion for animals into a livelihood. She has become the youngest franchisee for a national company called Pet Butler which provides dog poop-scooping services and pet-waste removal to homes and multi-family communities for thousands of clients across North America and the Atlanta area.

Pet Butler has a strong social mission aimed at supporting animal rescues, shelters, and humane societies. “It was important for me to find a company that had just as much passion as I did for animals and that emphasizes being actively involved in people’s communities,” Courtney said. “I also always knew I would have my own business. I have been adamant about that my whole life, so it is amazing that it has come to fruition at this age.”

According to the latest figures from market research, retail sales of pet cleanup products was expected to reach $4 billion in the U.S. And it’s no surprise that pet owners are more than willing to spend – and spend a lot – on their furry friends. With the continued growth in pet ownership and the trends in pet parenting, Pet Butler is well-positioned to be the go-to service provider for all pets’ needs.

Courtney considered working for an existing pet care company but didn’t want to give up her dream of business ownership. She realized a franchise system would offer the structure and guidance she wanted when her father discovered Pet Butler while scouting for potential franchises to join. And this year, her dream finally became a reality.

[Link] [Link to video]

Some wonderful dog situations from Social Media

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