It’s Getting Dark Earlier – Tips for Walking Your Dog at Night – DoggieUK9

Safety Tips – Walking the dog in the dark.

Night walking with your dog is challenging and keeping safety precautions in mind can make a difference.

In addition to gearing up against the cold, it’s important to use caution and common sense when walking your dog in the dark— from increasing visibility to getting your pup an LED collar.

Photo credit: Dave Bolton/Getty

Walking at night can be unnerving for anyone and having your dog with you can add to the mix.

How to keep yourself safe

  • If you can, try not to walk alone. Walking with others can be reassuring, deter potential criminals, and provides ‘back up’ if you fall or injure yourself.
  • Always carry a flashlight. Our vision is not great a night. Carrying a light can help a great deal.
  • Avoid remote routes and stick to well-lit residential areas. Walk in more populated areas and be aware that local parks often close their gates around sunset.
  • Always make sure someone knows where you are. Letting someone know where you’re going, what route you will be taking and how long you’ll be gone is never a bad idea. Even leaving a note e.g. ‘Walking the dogs around the block. Back in 10 minutes,’ etc, might be helpful if you are away longer than usual.
  • Wear clothing that is highly visible or reflects when lit. Visibility contributes to your safety, so it’s a good idea to wear something that can be easily seen.

How to keep your dog safe

  • Make sure your pet can be seen when venturing outside. Reflective or (even better) light-up dog collars, leads and harnesses are excellent.
  • Never let your dog off the lead, even if you think it’s safe. There are too many risky possibilities that you may not see and can be potential dangers.
  • Pay close attention to how your dog is feeling about the dark. Some dogs don’t mind the dark, others dislike it, or become anxious. Old dogs with cognitive dysfunction may also struggle more with darker evenings. If your dog appears stressed by the dark, keep night walks to a minimum.
  • Consider a tracking device to keep an eye on your furry friend’s location. This is a simple way to prevent theft or find them if they get loose and add an extra level of safety to your evening walks.

Plan ahead, think safe!


This DoggieU K9 Blog did a recent review of LED dog collars – An Illuminated Collar for Nighttime Walks

The Canine Journal also did a recent review of the – Best Light-Up Dog Collars, LED Harnesses & More