Celebrate Earth Day This Month With Your Dog – DoggieUK9

Earth Day is April 22nd. Make it special, include your dog and help to improve the Earth!

The TurfMutt Foundation, which advocates for the care and use of our backyards, community parks, and other green spaces, says Earth Day (April 22) is the perfect time to practice being a master backyarder.

“Backyarding” is the act of taking activities that we normally do inside, out to our yards and parks. Master backyarders elevate backyarding, using their personal and community green space for everything from working and exercising to entertaining and relaxing.

Read more in the DoggieU K9 Blog about things you can do to make our planet better.

Links to a newsletter, special USDA Interactive Planting Map, and free book about plants and gardening with your dog.

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