DoggieU K9 Academy 2024-2025 Brags & Titles
These are special ‘shout outs’ to our colleagues who (along with their canine partners) have accomplished amazing things.
We celebrate them, their hard work and encourage continued success.

!! Congratulations to All !!

Teri & Ilsa (Papillon): Holy Moley! The amazing agility duo received their “C-ATCH 4” at last weekend’s Doggie U CPE Agility trial!

Art & Saba (Brittany): Attended last weekend’s Doggie U CPE Agility Trial and earned their “CT-ATCH 3” title! And earlier this month attended an AKC Scentwork trial and earned the “SINE” which is a Scent work Interior Novice Elite title!

Rolissa & Split (Biewer Terrier): Had an amazing time together at last weekend’s Doggie U CPE Agility Trial. Split got a “Q” in Jackpot Level 2, Snooker Level 2, and 2 in Jumpers Level 2!

Susan & Hope (Pug): Attended their first ever agility trial! At last weekends Doggie U CPE Agility show Hope accumulated a “Q” in Wildcard level 1, and Colors Level 1. Way 2 Go!

Denise & Copper (beagle): Did great last weekend at the Doggie U CPE Agility Trial. He ran his first level 5 Standard course and although he did not qualify, he did an amazing job staying with me and going fast. We got 3 out of 6 qualifications!
Denise & Ozzy (beagle): Did AMAZING in Logan’s Tuesday night class where Ozzy is learning the ropes and how to be better with having other dogs around him! Way to go Ozzy!

Carolyn/Rich & Sprite (Havanese): Last Saturday, we took 5-month-old Sprite to the Javits center to represent Havanese at MEET THE BREEDS! She was extremely chill and didn’t seem to mind being petted by 10,000 of her adoring fans. Rich and I were very proud of her.
Rolissa & Split (Biewer Terrier): This month Split took on the AKC Agility trials and completed his Novice Fast title, while also getting his first leg in Open Fast last weekend at the Suffolk County Kennel Club trial!

Kathy & Georgie (King Charles Cavalier): Georgie achieved her Open FAST title this past weekend at The Suffolk County Kennel Club’s AKC agility trial with judge Elliot Kaplan. So proud of my little girl!

John & Storm (Schipperke): It Was a big weekend and surprise, we got our AKC Rally Excellent title… with a 95 out of 100 – our highest off leash Rally score so far! We followed that up with another 95 in AKC Rally Advanced. Adding to the special was being awarded the title by one of our fav judges, Miss Linda Ferrullo. We started AKC Rally competitions on Feb 10, 2024, getting our first AKC Rally Novice Q, and in less than a year we’ll now be competing in Masters. Blows my mind and super proud of my lil partner in craziness, Storm, for making it all happen.
Teri & Jolene (Danish Swedish Farmdog): Earned her Novice Fast title at the Suffolk County Kennel Club agility trial on Sunday January 19th!

Logan & Ugene (Beauceron): Ugene has qualified for the rally national championship in the novice level. At under 2 years old & only with 4 rally trials, I’m very proud & excited for where this boy can take me!

Doreen & Evah (labrador Retriever): At only 2 1/2 years old, Evah, earned her NACSW NW3-ELT title. We joined 31 other teams at the incredibly well- run trial in New Rochelle where she earned 1st places in Interiors, Exteriors and Vehicles, plus 1st Overall! This was her second overall first place, with numerous element placements, on her NW3-ELT journey. On to Elite trials! – Doreen Monteleone

Bonnie & Thunder (German Shepherd): Thunder earned his PACH 3 title at Doggie U amongst our friends. So proud of my boy and all the support from our friends.

Diane & Meerin (Standard Poodle): Competed at DACLI’s AKC agility trial at Doggie U last weekend. She earned Q’s in both T2B and Master’s Jumpers and her first Q towards her Excellent FAST title.

Denise & Brad with Calvin (beagle) & Hobbs (German Shorthaired Pointer): Did an amazing job in their first ever puppy class! They were practicing sitting, their release words and their names. We are excited to continue learning and growing with our babies!

John & Storm (Schipperke) – Got a Q and a Blue! Very proud of my schipperke Storm for keeping it together in a distracting environment to win her second title qualifying ‘Q’ leg in AKC Rally Excellent at Top Dog in NJ this weekend. This lil LBD also got her 7th Q in AKC Rally Advanced, which is all off leash as well. Great to see judge Karen Schroeder, who previously judged us a few months ago in Rally Novice/Intermediate and is always an absolute joy and model of upbeat professionalism in the ring.

AKC S.T.A.R pups, awarded October 2024 at Doggie U
Ann & Nettie (GSD)
Helene & Aurora (Field spaniel)
Heather & Walter (Bernadoodle)
Awarded – AKC S.TA.R. Puppy
Evaluators: Rolissa Nash & Alex Ortiz
Bowie – Great Pyrenees received his Championship title 9/1/24 at the Sussex
Kennel Club Confirmation shows
Darlene D & Legend (GR) earned his UD title and HIT on Saturday, September 28, 2024. We accomplished this at the trial at SOTC.
I was so proud of Legend as we very recently moved from LI to New Paltz, NY and our lives have been completely turned upside down while settling in our new home. So we left bright & early the morning of the show, traveled to LI in the rain and back up to New Paltz in the rain but this time on Cloud 9. I’m so happy we were able to accomplish our 2024 goal with all our friends on Long Island.

Doreen Monteleone and her little Lab, Evah, participated in 6 days of trials in a one-week period! Evah earned her first leg on her Companion Dog (CD) title at Suffolk Obedience Training Club. The next day she earned her Scent Work Exterior Excellent (SEE) at the Suffolk County Kennel Club trial. Two days later, they attended the Labrador Retriever National Specialty where she earned her Scent Work Buried Excellent (SBE), Scent Work Excellent (SWE) and Scent Work Container Master (SCM) titles with all Qs being placements. Also, at the National, Evah earned Fetch Novice (FTN). This was followed by attending a National Association of Canine Scent Work (NACSW) trial where she earned her second Nose Work 3 (NW3) title with a 1st place of 38 teams in Containers.