Most Dog Owners Think Arthritis Is Only a Problem in  “Older Dogs” – DoggieUK9

Because arthritis is a common affliction in senior dogs, many pet owners believe that joint disease is an “old dog” problem. But studies show that arthritis doesn’t just affect senior dogs.

According to the Arthritis Foundation, 20% of ALL dogs have arthritis – and the problems can start as early as 12 months old.

  • It is  not uncommon for dogs as young as two or three years old to experience hip and painful joint issues that negatively impact their overall well-being. But because their owners don’t expect to see joint disease in dogs so young, they often ignore the warning signs until it’s too late.”
  • As dogs evolved, a typical behavior was that they would tend to hide when they’re in pain. In the survival of the fittest rule of evolution, showing pain is a sign of weakness that could cause their pack to abandon them or indicate to predators on the prowl that they’re an easy target. That’s why dogs often try to mask their pain until it’s so severe they can no longer hide it.
  • If you don’t catch arthritis in time, it can lead to chronic pain and severely impair your dog’s mobility, energy levels and overall quality of life. It can even lead to changes in behavior and cause a normally friendly dog to become irritable.
  • Unfortunately, most dog owners and even veterinarians often miss the early warning signs of arthritis because dogs tend to hide their soreness and discomfort until the changes are severe.
  • With that in mind, the seven most common signs of arthritis are:
    • Limping: Your dog may limp or favor one or more of his legs, depending on which legs and joints are affected. In some cases, his limp may be worse when he wakes in the morning and become less noticeable as he “warms up” by moving around.
    • Difficulty moving: He may be reluctant to do things that were easy for him before such as going up and down the stairs, getting into and out of the car and climbing up onto the couch or bed.
    • Spinal issues: Not only do arthritic changes occur in your dog’s legs but also in various parts of his spine. These changes may result in a sore neck, abnormal posture with a visible “hunch” in his back or lameness in one or both of his hind legs.
    • Tiredness: He may tire more easily, making his walks shorter as they become more painful while he spends an increased amount of time resting and/or sleeping.
    • Irritability: Your dog may be uncharacteristically irritable, snapping and/or biting when touched or petted if this increases his pain.
    • Atrophied muscles: His muscles may atrophy due to inactivity and a decrease in their use. An arthritic dog with atrophied or withered leg muscles will have legs that look thinner than normal legs.
    • Licking, chewing or biting: He may start to lick, chew or bite at the parts of his body that hurt, often leading to inflamed skin and hair loss in those areas.
  • If you suspect arthritis, the first step is to have him thoroughly examined by your vet (including blood work, x-rays and other diagnostic tests if needed) followed by your working together on a treatment plan for him.
  • Fortunately, there are numerous non-surgical options to treat mild, moderate and even severe cases of arthritis. Key, however, to any plan is a weight loss (then maintenance) diet and a regular exercise regime. But your vet may begin immediately by prescribing nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) to reduce the pain and inflammation in your dog’s affected joints.
  • In addition, your vet may suggest: the use of glucosamine, chondroitin sulfate and/or omega-3 fatty acid supplements that support joint health. Browse online for supplements. Additional courses of treatment that may be helpful are cortisone, visco-supplementation, glycosaminoglycan or steroid injections; and one or more of these therapies — physiotherapy, hydrotherapy, acupuncture, ultrasound therapy, laser therapy, and magnetic therapy.
