National Pet Appreciation Week June 5-11th, 2022 – DoggieUK9
  • By Doggieuk9
  • / June 7, 2022
  • / Blog

Pet Appreciation Week is to celebrate this week by raising awareness about pet care and pet-related health issues. Various activities are organized to teach people how to care for pets responsibly as well as fostering and adopting pets. People engage with their pets and bond with them through many different activities to make them feel loved, cared for, and appreciated.

Pet Appreciation Week was initiated by the American Veterinary Medical Association in 1981. It aimed to raise awareness of the benefits of pets in our daily lives. In recent times, the hashtag #NationalPetWeek is used by pet owners on various social media platforms to honor and appreciate their pets.

Enjoy your special pet(s) this week!
