Pet Food Commercials for Pets – Not People – DoggieUK9
  • By Doggieuk9
  • / November 21, 2022
  • / Blog

Imagine Creating Food Commercials Just For Our Four-legged Family!

All it takes is some thinking out of the box (pun intended) and using dog and cat science to inform the script writers & video producers. Then, assembling a focus group of petsfor pets, to find out what is most appealing or interesting to them.

Follow that with a call for social media feedback from pet owners (and pets) and the results are some strange commercials that dogs and cats love but humans may not quite understand.

Coming soon to our DoggieU K9 Blog the story that tells you about this amazing and crazy challenge – with links to the behind the scenes process.

Blog post scheduled for November 26th. Check it out when available [Link]