My Dog Watches My Every Move. Are They Also Judging Me? – DoggieUK9
  • By Doggieuk9
  • / January 18, 2023
  • / Blog

Dogs are highly sensitive to human behavior.

Our dogs observe not just our behaviors and routines but our moods and sounds. They are trying to understand our behavior – especially as it applies to them. But, there is one more element that we don’t realize – they are evaluating our competence.

Dogs have become quite adept at reading our body language, facial expressions and tone of voice. They can also evaluate (judge) if some of our behaviors are intentional or aimless.

A new DoggieU K9 Blog post explains more about how our canine family (especially females) can read human behavior better than we think.

Check it out ->>Ever Get The Feeling That Your Dog Is Judging You?

and in case you missed it a post from last week discusses Do Dogs Understand Our Language?
