Are Bad Dogs Really Smarter? – DoggieUK9

It has been said that that badly behaved dogs are the smartest?

Is  your dog a troublemaker? Does he/she ignore your commands at home? Perhaps your dog can think for themselves and can make decisions independently.

Some dogs are great being pets, others need to be kept busy -in short, they need a job.

Scientists have found that many breeds have differences of cognitive traits, such as problem-solving ability, memory, logical reasoning, and social cognition.

  • So, for a golden retriever problem-solving ability may not be as important as being one of the most human-oriented breeds, spending a lot of time seemingly asking the human for help.
  • However, the most independent breeds, such as the German Shepherd or Malinois, would rather attempt to solve a difficult task by themselves rather than turning to a human for help.

Find out more about the new research into these differences and how it may affect their behavior. Perhaps we need to re-think what we call ‘good’ or ‘bad’ behavior?

This week’s DoggieU K9 Blog will update you on the latest science. [Link]