New State Specific Pet Toxicology Map – DoggieUK9

New Interactive Tool Allows Pet Lovers to Research Potential Dangers in Their Area

March is Pet Poison Prevention Month.  In a effort to continue to educate pet owners and veterinary professionals about potential dangers, the toxicology experts at Pet Poison Helpline have analyzed five years of proprietary call data and are releasing the new “Toxin Trends,” an online tool designed to help everyone research dangerous and potentially deadly toxins in their area.

A new Toxin Trends tool identifies the top 20 potentially dangerous toxins and plants to pets based on the last five years of helpline call data and identifies where in the United States and Canada pets are most at risk for that particular exposure. These toxins include medications, foods, plants, chemicals, and other potentially harmful items.” The tool also lists what clinical signs were reported for each toxin.

According to Dr Renee Schmidt, a senior veterinary toxicologist at Pet Poison Helpline, “Some of the items included in the Top 20 toxins for each state are pretty obvious, such as chocolate and rat poison, but unusual dangers such as wood preservatives and even avocados rank high in some states for different species.”

Here is a link to the Interactive Toxicology Map just click on any state to see the latest info on Toxins and Toxic Plants by region. [Link]

Here is the listing for New York State.

New York State Pet Top 20 Toxicology List

Click to enlarge image

[Link to Interactive Map]