Agility Classes – DoggieUK9

Training Class Schedule. download here the sign up sheet.  Click here for class sign up sheet

Sessions are 6 weeks long, unless noted on schedule ALL CLASSES MUST BE PAID IN FULL BEFORE THE FIRST DAY OF THE NEW SESSION. ****There will be no refunds after the first class of the session****

Foundation Obedience for Agility- This is the perfect class for those interested in trying agility with their dog! Work your sits, stays & recalls while beginning introductory agility handling skills and basic agility equipment.

Beginner– This is the place start learning about agility.  Obstacle performance and teaching each obstacle carefully will be done.  Foundation of understanding teamwork, how to get our dog to focus on you, teaching the human to be a good agility partner.

Beginner Agility TimeDayNew Session Start DateFeesInstructor
Beginner Agility3:00 PMTuesday3/4/2025$235Rolissa Nash
Foundation Obedience for Agility6:15 PMTuesday3/18/2025$235Logan Morris
Foundation Obedience for Agility 7:15 PMTuesday4/1/2025$235Logan Morris
Foundation Obedience for Agility 8:15 PMTuesday3/11/2025$235Logan Morris
Puppy Agility9:00 PMTuesdayCall for more info 631-968-7972$235Rolissa Nash
Beginner Agility6:00 PMThursdayCall for more info 631-968-7972$235Christy Felice
Beginner Agility6:00 PMThursdayCall for more info 631-968-7972$235Christy Felice
Beginner Agility7:00 PMThursday3/20/2025$235Rolissa Nash
Beginner Agility8:15 P MThursdayCall for more info 631-968-7972$235Christy Felice
Beginner Agility 12:45PMFridayCall for more info 631-968-7972$235Rolissa Nash

Advanced – After we have done beginners, we now explore further the obstacles  and the performance of them.  Adding new obstacles, working more off the leash and  doing a few obstacle in sequence.  You will learn about handling and how important both parts of the team are to agility.

Advanced Beginner AgilityTimeDayNew Session Start DateFeesInstructor
7:15 Tuesday3/4/2025$235Paula Watters
Pr-Requisite for enrolling in this class is having taken Foundation Obedience for Agility8:30 PMTuesday3/11/2025$235Paula Watters
8:30 PMThursday3/27/2025$235Rolissa Nash
10:30 AMFriday2/28/2025$235Rolissa Nash
11:30 AMFriday4/4/2025$235Rolissa Nash

Novice Competition –  Basic course work for competition.  Competition course with advanced skills, drills, distance, difficult weave entries are among the things we will work on.  Numbered courses will be walked, handling strategies still will be worked on.  Discussing the pros and cons of ways that sequences can be handled. Advanced handling techniques will be explored and worked on.

Novice Competition TimeDayNew Session Start DateFees: 10% discount for multiple dogs & membershipInstructor
3:30 PMMonday3/3/2025$235Dawn Fillips
5:00 PMMonday3/3/2025$235Dawn Fillips
6:15 PMMonday3/31/2025$235Teri Nolan
7:30 PMMonday3/24/2025$235Teri Nolan
8:30 PMMondayall for more info 631-968-7972$235Teri Nolan
4:45 PMTuesday3/255/2025$235Teri Nolan
6:15 PMTuesday4/8/2025$235Teri Nolan
8:30 PMThursday3/27/2025$235Rolissa Nash

Competition Floor– In this class we will use a bigger floor space, doing competition courses with masters/excellent handling techniques.  Difficult sequences of obstacles that you may see on an agility course will be presented and worked on.  We will walk courses learning how to effectively walk and handle courses is a large part of this class

Competition FloorTimeDayNew Session Start DateFees: 10% discount for multiple dogs & membership Instructor
1:30 PMWednesday3/19/2025$235Louise Wetzel
5:45 PMWednesday2/12/2025$235Louise Wetzel
7:00 PMWednesday2/19/2025$235Louise Wetzel
8:15 PMWednesday3/5/2025$235Louise Wetzel
10:30 AM Thursday3/20/2025$235Teri Nolan
4:15 PM Thursday4/3/2025$235Teri Nolan
5:45 PM Thursday3/13/2025$235Teri Nolan
7:00 PMThursday4/3/2025$235Teri Nolan

Agility Skills– In this class you will be taught the why and where to’s of distance training. How to move away from your dog on the obstacles, get independent obstacle performance. The “In’s” and “Outs” of verbal commands when you are not close to your dog. Gamblers and Jackpot skills will be addressed.  Obstacle discrimination and difficult weaves entries and exits will also be explored.

Agility SkillsTimeDayNew Session Start DateFees: 10% discount for multiple dogs & membership Instructor
Distance11:00 to 12:30 am Wednesday3/12/2025 $270Rolissa Nash



Room Rental Fees1 HOUR 1/2 HOUR
OBEDIENCE Member $35 $25
AGILITYMember $45 $25
Non-member$50 $30
Non-member$80 $50
*** Covers 1-2 People***
** Additional Persons $11 Each **