Blog – Page 18 – DoggieUK9
October 16, 2022

Photographer Laura Eppig took some lovely photos at the show. Go to her website to view and purchase them. Please note that this is for viewing only; if you are interested in purchasing any images, you must contact me: Cell - 631-747-3481. Email :

October 12, 2022

Considering the Concept of Freedom for Dogs

  • By Doggieuk9
  • / Blog

Two decades ago, some animal welfare specialists gathered to generate ideas about improving the way that humans manage and treat 'man's best friend.' They were interested in establishing some basic standards in a similar way that the US Declaration of Independence and Constitution defined 'inalienable rights' for all…

October 9, 2022

Coming Attraction! This week the DoggieU K9 Blog tackles the concept of Canine Freedom. Publication date:  October 12, 2022 Some guidelines have been established two decades ago that most people are unaware of and these 'freedoms' are based on the US Declaration of Independence. Check it out. The…

Staff at a homeless shelter noticed that so many young people experiencing homelessness had animals. It was also evident that most would seek veterinarian care for their pet before taking care of their own health needs. A dual purpose health care project was established in 2018 called One Health…