During the last week in September, we observe our pet’s hearing ability as part of their health. Access a FREE home pet hearing test.
As humans age we lose hearing ability. The same occurs in dogs and cats from birth to senior. Science shows that pet hearing has three levels, high, medium and low sound triggers. Each of these sound levels trigger different responses in animals, like fight or flight behavior. This is why it’s important to acknowledge that your pet will be losing some hearing ability as they age. More often than not, we recognize that our dog is not hearing well after the fact of some hearing loss, evident when they no longer respond to our call or have a new level of anxiety as this sense diminishes. So keeping track of your pet’s hearing ability throughout their life is a new and important awareness.
Pet Acoustics now offers the first FREE Home Pet Hearing Test for dogs or cats to know for sure if your pet has full or partial hearing at any age.
So take time once a year to know the status of your pet’s hearing as a hearing health check-up. That’s what National Pet Hearing Health Week is all about.